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Home » Common Factors that Hurt Property Values in Houston

Common Factors that Hurt Property Values in Houston

When you first move into your Houston house, thinking about selling it is far down the list of what’s on your mind. That is as it should be: the enjoyment of that first stroll through the rooms that are finally yours is the culmination of a great deal of effort. No matter how many homes you ultimately own, it’s an occasion to savor for all time. But what you decide after your initial ‘move-in’ will be a plus if it includes a hard-headed appraisal of how you might help to build your property’s value—or harm it. Being aware of the most common factors that hurt Houston property values can prove extremely valuable if and when the time comes to pass it on to a new owner. Here are some of those factors—including the ones that many homeowners actively adopted without realizing their ultimate impact:
• DIY projects gone wrong. Exciting ideas for improving your Houston home’s property value can boomerang if your skill level fails to reach a professional grade.
• Unsightly wall paint. If you are unsure of what brush or roller you should be using that should set off a mental warning buzzer. If you will be selling anytime soon, leave it to the pros!
• Wall-to-wall carpeting. The luxurious feeling of a deep pile on bare feet will, years hence, show irreversible signs that it has to go (expensively).
• Clutter. Regular clearing of seldom-used things has the effect of improving the whole environment of a home. Failure to declutter invites all sorts of gradual degrading—the opposite of the sparkling presentation you’ll want come listing time.
• Smells. Lingering odors, whether from cigarettes, mold, or pets, can materially endanger any Houston home’s property value. Regular professional cleaning is one reliable way to prevent a buildup that can be tough to overcome.
• Unnecessary upgrades. Like the first factor, an optimistic but impractical ‘upgrade’ can actually hurt a property’s value. Swimming pools can be a boon or a bust due to weather and utility factors—but ripping out a closet to expand the master bedroom’s size is risky business.
Call Rinnovare Realty, LLC at (832) 445-4957 or visit us at for any and all Houston property value issues—I’m always pleased to hear from you!

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