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A Computer’s Creative Ideas on Houston Home Affordability

Clicking on an unfamiliar computer icon last week triggered one of those new Artificially Intelligent bots to offer its services. The message that popped up was generous: “Ask me anything!

Since the topic of the day had been disagreements about the direction Houston home affordability was exhibiting (CBS News had just headlined “Affordable homes in the U.S. are becoming fewer” while ATTOM Data Solutions contended “U.S. Homeownership Slightly More Affordable in Q1 2023”), it seemed opportune to accept the computer’s invitation for an inquiry about affordability.

Here are the reasons the bot gave for why someone should consider buying a house, whether or not affordability headwinds were increasing. In a twinkling, it came up with five reasons—two of which are surprisingly human:

  1. Stability and security. The bot says you won’t have to worry about being forced to move “due to a landlord’s decision”—or a rent increase.
  2. Pride of ownership. Apparently, even an AI program can relish “being able to call it your own.”


There followed less emotional reasons with which human homeowners are also likely to agree:

  1. Since property values tend to appreciate over time, the result is not only to make your Houston home a source of financial security but “even generate wealth.”
  2. Tax benefits. Even an AI algorithm must be aware that April 15 is when this valuable advantage is front-and-center for Houston homeowners.
  3. Freedom and customization. This fifth reason isn’t exactly what you’d think a computer would value (don’t all those Terminator robots like being identical?). This one at least pretends to favor “the freedom to customize and make changes to your Houston home as you see fit.”

The reasons to consider buying your own Houston home don’t really need to be endorsed by today’s chatty computers—they remain as valid as they’ve been for eons. Call Rinnovare Realty, LLC at (832) 445-4957, or visit us at  to explore the latest Houston offerings!     

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